The FileChangeDetector detects changes in a set of files. Changes are detected between successive calls to check_files with a give set of files. Changes include files being added, removed or having changed their content.
Create a FileChangeDetector, options include:
:file_added a proc which is called when a file is added, receives the filename :file_removed a proc which is called when a file is removed, receives the filename :file_changed a proc which is called when a file is changed, receives the filename
# File lib/rgen/util/file_change_detector.rb, line 26 def initialize(options={}) @file_added = options[:file_added] @file_removed = options[:file_removed] @file_changed = options[:file_changed] @file_info = {} end
Checks if any of the files has changed compared to the last call of check_files. When called for the first time on a new object, all files will be reported as being added.
# File lib/rgen/util/file_change_detector.rb, line 36 def check_files(files) files_before = @file_info.keys used_files = {} files.each do |file| used_files[file] = true if @file_info[file] if @file_info[file].timestamp != File.mtime(file) @file_info[file].timestamp = File.mtime(file) digest = calc_digest(file) if @file_info[file].digest != digest @file_info[file].digest = digest @file_changed && end end else @file_info[file] = @file_info[file].timestamp = File.mtime(file) @file_info[file].digest = calc_digest(file) @file_added && end end files_before.each do |file| if !used_files[file] @file_info.delete(file) @file_removed && end end end
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