# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 66 def initialize(env) super @env = env @stack = [] end
The prune level is the number of parent/children associations which is kept when the instantiator ascents the XML tree. If the level is 2, information for the node's children and the childrens' children will be available as an XMLNodeDescriptor object. If the level is 0 no pruning will take place, i.e. the whole information is kept until the end of the instantiation process. 0 is default.
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 19 def set_prune_level(level) @prune_level = level end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 95 def end_element node = @stack.pop on_ascent(node) prune_children(node, self.class.prune_level - 1) if self.class.prune_level > 0 end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 77 def instantiate(text) parse(text) resolve end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 72 def instantiate_file(file) File.open(file) { |f| parse(f.read)} resolve end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 120 def namespaces @visitor.namespaces if @visitor end
This method is called when the XML parser goes up the tree. An XMLNodeDescriptor node describes the current node. Implementing classes must overwrite this method.
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 116 def on_ascent(node) raise "Overwrite this method !" end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 101 def on_chardata(str) node = @stack.last node.chardata << str end
This method is called when the XML parser goes down the tree. An XMLNodeDescriptor node describes the current node. Implementing classes must overwrite this method.
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 109 def on_descent(node) raise "Overwrite this method !" end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 82 def parse(src) @visitor = Visitor.new(self) parser = Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new(@visitor) parser.parse(src) @visitor = nil end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/nodebased_xml_instantiator.rb, line 89 def start_element(ns, qtag, prefix, tag, attributes) node = XMLNodeDescriptor.new(ns, qtag, prefix, tag, @stack[-1], [], attributes) @stack.push node on_descent(node) end
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