# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 117 def eAllAttributes(element) @eAllAttributes ||= {} @eAllAttributes[element.class] ||= element.class.ecore.eAllAttributes end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 112 def eAllReferences(element) @eAllReferences ||= {} @eAllReferences[element.class] ||= element.class.ecore.eAllReferences end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 122 def eAllStructuralFeatures(element) @eAllStructuralFeatures ||= {} @eAllStructuralFeatures[element.class] ||= element.class.ecore.eAllStructuralFeatures end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 65 def end_tag(prefix, tag) @elementstack.pop end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 146 def find_in_context(context, desc_elements) if context.is_a?(EPackage) r = (context.eClassifiers + context.eSubpackages).find{|c| c.name == desc_elements.first} elsif context.is_a?(EClass) r = context.eStructuralFeatures.find{|s| s.name == desc_elements.first} else raise StandardError.new("Don't know how to find #{desc_elements.join('/')} in context #{context}") end if r if desc_elements.size > 1 find_in_context(r, desc_elements[1..-1]) else r end else log WARN, "Can not follow path, element #{desc_elements.first} not found within #{context}(#{context.name})" end end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 127 def find_referenced(context, desc) desc.split(/\s+/).collect do |r| if r =~ /^#([^\/]+)$/ @element_by_id[$1] elsif r =~ /^#\/\d*\/([\w\/]+)/ find_in_context(context, $1.split('/')) elsif r =~ /#\/\/(\w+)$/ case $1 when "EString"; RGen::ECore::EString when "EInt"; RGen::ECore::EInt when "EBoolean"; RGen::ECore::EBoolean when "EFloat"; RGen::ECore::EFloat when "EJavaObject"; RGen::ECore::EJavaObject when "EJavaClass"; RGen::ECore::EJavaClass end end end.compact end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 94 def instantiate(str) @resolver_descs = [] # puts "Instantiating ..." super(str, 1000) rootpackage = @env.find(:class => EPackage).first # puts "Resolving ..." @resolver_descs.each do |rd| refed = find_referenced(rootpackage, rd.value) feature = eAllStructuralFeatures(rd.object).find{|f| f.name == rd.attribute} raise StandardError.new("StructuralFeature not found: #{rd.attribute}") unless feature if feature.many rd.object.setGeneric(feature.name, refed) else rd.object.setGeneric(feature.name, refed.first) end end end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 165 def log(level, msg) puts %(INFO WARN ERROR)[level] + ": " + msg if level >= @loglevel end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 71 def set_attribute(attr, value) # do nothing, already handled by start_tag/set_attribute_internal end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 75 def set_attribute_internal(attr, value) return unless @elementstack.last eFeat = eAllStructuralFeatures(@elementstack.last).find{|a| a.name == attr} if eFeat.is_a?(EReference) rd = ResolverDescription.new rd.object = @elementstack.last rd.attribute = attr rd.value = value @resolver_descs << rd elsif eFeat value = true if value == "true" && eFeat.eType == EBoolean value = false if value == "false" && eFeat.eType == EBoolean value = value.to_i if eFeat.eType == EInt @elementstack.last.setGeneric(attr, value) else log WARN, "Feature not found: #{attr} on #{@elementstack.last}" end end
# File lib/rgen/instantiator/ecore_xml_instantiator.rb, line 21 def start_tag(prefix, tag, namespaces, attributes) eRef = nil if @elementstack.last eRef = eAllReferences(@elementstack.last).find{|r|r.name == tag} if eRef if attributes["xsi:type"] && attributes["xsi:type"] =~ /ecore:(\w+)/ class_name = $1 attributes.delete("xsi:type") else class_name = eRef.eType.name end else raise "Reference not found: #{tag} on #{@elementstack.last}" end else class_name = tag end eClass = RGen::ECore.ecore.eClassifiers.find{|c| c.name == class_name} if eClass obj = RGen::ECore.const_get(class_name).new if attributes["xmi:id"] @element_by_id[attributes["xmi:id"]] = obj attributes.delete("xmi:id") end if eRef if eRef.many @elementstack.last.addGeneric(eRef.name, obj) else @elementstack.last.setGeneric(eRef.name, obj) end end @env << obj @elementstack.push obj else log WARN, "Class not found: #{class_name}" @elementstack.push nil end attributes.each_pair do |attr, value| set_attribute_internal(attr, value) end end
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