Mixin to provide access to the ECore model describing a Ruby class or module built using MetamodelBuilder. The module should be used to extend a class or module, i.e. to make its methods class methods.
This method can be used to clear the ecore cache after the metamodel classes or modules have been changed; the ecore model will be recreated on next access to the ecore method Beware, the ecore cache is global, i.e. for all metamodels.
# File lib/rgen/ecore/ecore_interface.rb, line 34 def self.clear_ecore_cache require 'rgen/ecore/ruby_to_ecore' @@transformer = RubyToECore.new end
This method will lazily build to ECore model element belonging to the calling class or module using RubyToECore. Alternatively, the ECore model element can be provided up front. This is used when the Ruby metamodel classes and modules are created from ECore.
# File lib/rgen/ecore/ecore_interface.rb, line 17 def ecore if defined?(@ecore) @ecore else unless defined?(@@transformer) require 'rgen/ecore/ruby_to_ecore' @@transformer = RubyToECore.new end @@transformer.trans(self) end end
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